Rules And Regulations

  1. Any entry which is not in compliance with the rules and regulations will be disqualified.
  2. Entries may be submitted by organisations or their representatives, as long as full approval is sought from all parties before submission.
  3. The Fulcrum Awards are open to individuals from consultancies and organisations. 
  4. Time period: A campaign/project undertaken between April 2023 – March 2024 will be eligible for Fulcrum Awards 2024. The campaign may be ongoing at the time of submission. 
  5. Special D1 and D2  have been added to honour extraordinary work whose campaign was undertaken between April 2023 – March 2024.
  6. Avoid using special characters like (‘ * ^ “) in file names, descriptions, and titles. 
  7. The storyboard and the completed Entry Form document must not exceed 2 MB each.
  8. The storyboard and form must be uploaded in PDF format only.
  9. Ensure the font size used on the form is 10 or 12, preferably Arial or Calibri font type. It should be readable.
  10. The completed entry form should not run into more than two pages. And Story board has to be of one page only.
  11. Ensure the title of the form and 100 words question must not have your organisation name or logo. If your organisation name is mentioned, the entry will be disqualified. 
  12. The Forms of Campaign categories must not include consultancy names. If mentioned, then your entry will be disqualified.
  13. Not more than five links are accepted as supporting materials. Ensure that the links or any details shared in the links do not have your organisation/consultancy name. If mentioned, then your entry will be disqualified. 
  14. Ensure to provide drive access to the supporting material, failing which the entry may be disqualified.
  15. We do not encourage AVE to be the metrics of measurement of a campaign. 
  16. Images and logos:
    1. For the Sector and Technique categories, upload the official logos of the brand whose work you are submitting. These logos will be used in the event brochure, on the awards night, and on the website, should you get shortlisted. 
    2. All logos submitted may be in .jpg format only and file size not exceeding 1 Mb.
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